In this period of material sati where people are caught up in their responsibilities and the cycle of their daily life.In this modern era, the urban life along with the use of mobile phones and social media has distanced the family from the family.
Village life is the only life where you get to see natural beauty. In the early morning, let the sound of the call to prayer be heard
After the Fajr prayer, elders and women recite the Holy Quran If pure milk, curd and butter can be eaten even today, it will be found in the villages.After breakfast the laborers go to their work and the cultivators tend their fields.
What a combination of oven baked roti in afternoon and lassi with butter in summer. A person who has lost the day comes home in the evening. I love village evenings. The fields and the setting sun would have been visible in the eveningŪ
In the evening, a tired person who works all day in the fields goes to sleep after eating dinner, sleeps early at night and wakes up early in the morning. This is the natural and scientific method of gold and our religion Islam also says the same
In cities where neighbors don’t know each other, in villages many families live within a boundary.In the villages open houses and rooms are built. Where you get curry and roti cooked on wood fire instead of gas which will taste amazing.
If we talk about the living conditions, the houses of the people in the villages are crude and heartless, but now it is customary to build houses in the villages, but the life in the villages is much better than the urban life.
Two very important reasons due to which people are shifting from villages to cities, one is the education of children and the other is more fights and quarrels in villages.